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Travel Plan | Transport Statement | Transport Assessment | Pedestrian Comfort Assessment | Healthy Streets Assessment | Highways Access | Visibility Splay | Swept Path | Footway and Cycle Audit

Fast Turnaround, Proven Results

If you need highways help, you MUST talk with iRIS.

Alex Proffitt Transport Consultant Preston

What is iRIS Sustainable Planning?

Transport Consultancy Preston

In short it's the easiest, fastest and BEST way for you to get y​our project completed on-time and on-budget.


Most developments and redevelopments need transport statements and travel plans at the very least these days. Whatever the nature of your transport requirement, you can rest assured that iRIS have been there and done it before.

As specialised transport consultants and members of the Chartered Institute for Transport and Highways (CIHT), you can rest assured of our commitment to ensuring that the highest standards are met in each travel plan or transport statement produced for you.


Looking for a BREEAM Transport Plan? iRIS will will work alongside you to develop the best plan to suit your site, helping you gain the maximum possible credits your site can achieve.


Our experience includes but is not limited to:

  • Housing developments
  • Apartment Blocks
  • Office Facilities
  • Caravan and Camping Sites
  • Warehousing
  • Haulage Depots
  • Places of Worship
  • Restaurants
  • Medical Centres
  • Retail
  • Mixed Use
  • Secure Facilities
Fast Turnaround Transport Statement Transport Consultant

Fast Turnaround

We know how important it is to you to get your planning application in front of the committee and we work hard to ensure you have what you need in a timely manner - including a facilities audit and a site visit as standard.

One Contact Transport Consultant

One Contact

So you can focus on your day job, safe in the knowledge that your project is in safe hands and if you need to discuss your transport statement you will be speaking to the familiar voice of your own transport consultant.

Fixed Price Transport Consultant

Fixed Price

So you always know exactly where you stand, our pricing formula is fixed so you can rest assured that your budget is accurate.

iRIS prepare excellent Travel Plans and carry out Travel Plan monitoring services in a professional and reliable manner.  They are committed to promoting sustainable transport and development schemes.

John Carruthers - VTC Transport and Highways

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