Transport Consultant
Travel Plan FAQs
Travel Plan FAQs
1. What is a Travel Plan?
1. What is a Travel Plan?
A travel plan is a document which investigates both the transport links and retail, employment and service opportunities in an area and weighs up how people are likely to travel to and from a new development. It then sets targets for the development to achieve in a 5 year period to ensure that the development is being managed sustainably.
2. Why would I need a Travel Plan?
2. Why would I need a Travel Plan?
Most residential developments over 9 houses will need a travel plan. Additionally, if your commercial development is above 1000 square meters then local councils regularly dictate that you will need a travel plan (for educational establishments this is generally 500 square meters). It's a decision which was made to minimise the impact on the road network and reduce carbon output as we move towards net zero in 2030. This travel plan will need to be implemented, coordinated and monitored over at least a 5 year period to ensure the targets set and agreed with the local council are being met.
3. Am I likely to need a Travel Plan for my development?
3. Am I likely to need a Travel Plan for my development?
In the UK, if your housing development is over 9 dwellings or your commercial development is over 1000 square meters you are usually obliged to produce and implement a travel plan. This may be dictated to you as a planning condition by the local council, or you could get ahead of the curve and build it into your initial planning.