Transport Consultant

In short, a swept path drawing is a way to prove thereis enough room for vehicles to safetly manoeuvre within a site.
Normal requirements for swept path drawings would be to show that access is possible by the largest vehicle needed to access the development. This would usually be a large car, standard refuse vehicle or fire truck.
With prices starting from £140, our swept path service is one of the most cost effective around.
Our experience includes but is not limited to:
- Drive Thru Restaurant
- ​Trailer storage
- Warehouse
- Driveways
- Housing estates
- Agricultural access
- Car Park
Here's How it Works
Here's How it Works

Contact iRIS
Use the links to call or email iRIS so we can get some details and get the ball rolling.
Step #2
Accept the Quote
Within 1 working day you will receive a written quote. When you decide to accept, confirm with us that you want to go ahead.
Step #3
Send us Your Plans
Once we've received your work order, just attach a DWG copy of your floorplans or a link to your application on the planning portal via email and we can start on your facilities audit. A PDF file can be accepted but this will necessarily cost more to process.
Step #4
Receive Your Swept P​ath Drawing
Your swept path drawing will be sent to you to review.
Get Your Swept Path Drawing
Get Your Swept Path Drawing