Transport Consultant
Transport Statement FAQs
Transport Statement FAQs
1. What is a Transport Statement?
1. What is a Transport Statement?
A transport statement is an overview of the local transport network and the projected impact of your development on this. Whilst not as detailed as a transport assessment, the transport statement has the same intent, to prove that the proposed development will not have a severe impact on the local transport network in line with the requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
2. Do I need a Transport Statement for my development?
2. Do I need a Transport Statement for my development?
If your development is likely to impact on the local transport network then you are likely to require a transport statement as a minimum, however this is usually guided by the local council and levels of when this can be required can vary greatly. As a condition of your outline planning you may be required to produce a transport statement.
3. What is included in my Transport Statement?
3. What is included in my Transport Statement?
An iRIS transport statement includes a site visit, an overview of the local transport network, a review of the road safety of the transport network, highways capacity analysis using the TRICS database and a review of the public and active transport facilities available in the immediate area.
4. Do I need a Transport Statement or a Transport Assessment?
4. Do I need a Transport Statement or a Transport Assessment?
In line with the NPPF and Manual for Streets guidelines, a simple transport statement is required if a development will increase the traffic at peak flow times (0800 - 0900 and 1700-1800) by under 30 vehicular trips. Should the development produce more trips at peak hours, then a full transport assessment will be required. For many facilities, this works out to be approximately 1000 square meters GFA, however this varies with use class.
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